We create legacy projects, that provide the platforms, content and networks for music to flourish.

Enki Music are experts in the practical application of music; from creating playlists and designing sound, to booking talent and managing the supply chain for music performance. Music is the core tool for enlivenment and is proven to create healthier and wealthier places.

We build value and consistency for the right place making programmes and music activations.


Background music. We’ve all heard it. We all hate it. Anodyne sounds piped in, guaranteed to make your night fizzle out. BrewDog valued how much of a difference incredible music can make when you visit a bar and wanted to bring the background into the foreground. We created the BrewDog Mixtape; a rotating monthly playlist curated exclusively for BrewDog Bars by well known and loved acts including…


Franz Ferdinand, The Vaccines, Skunk Anansie, Honeyblood, Ghostpoet, The Fratellis, The View, Anna Calvi, Warpaint, Magic Numbers, Charles Watson and Mogwai.

“Every time you set foot in a BrewDog Bar we want nothing less than for you to have an amazing time – and the music you hear is every bit as important as the beer you drink, the booths you sit in and the food you eat. That is why we are working with these inspiring bands on our Mixtapes.” - BrewDog